Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Office of Blame now at the RNC

Last week I posted on the exploits of artists Carla Repice and Geoff Cunningham at the DNC. They have moved office to the RNC in St. Paul. So far no tear gas or aerial gunshot wounds from separatist candidate Sarah Palin. Here are some pics from their Flickr page where even Joe Scarborough plays along...


World's Largest Whatever said...

Hi. Actually, it's not their Flickr page, it's mine. :)

I don't know if they have their own photostream. I took those pictures last Tuesday as I was walking through Rice Park.

highlowbetween said...

Hi Wren, sorry my mistake on the credit! Thanks for the photo stream.

Unknown said...

Hi. I my Photo Gallery of the RNC, with pictures of the Office of Blame and an interview with Jeff (Geoff?), is now up.

2008 Republican National Convention

highlowbetween said...

Thanks Dave. It is Geoff. I'll check out the link!