Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Brink and The Pump

Really want an excellent critique of US Media and the lack of humanity that TV instills during times of crisis (or any other for that matter)?

Then watch this scathing rebuke from Jon Stewart at Truthdig.


highlowbetween said...

it sad in a way though that a comdey show is our only source of self criticsm withhin mainstream and commercial media. But yes, thank god we have him and colbert.
Wake those kids up!

Lisa Hunter said...

The piece on "pain at the pump" deserves to be elevated to video art. A very telling piece on inhumanity.

highlowbetween said...

L-It is better than almost ALL the political art I've seen in the last 6 months. Tragically

fisher6000 said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.

...I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I can hear the pump screaming...

(I'm sensitive, I know.)

highlowbetween said...

CJR- yes most of us don't get pump pain but we are more likely to be blown up on any given day on the morning commute. Something I get ever more mindful of as this mess in the Midlle East broadens and worsens.
To add to your astute obeseravtion about working people being crushed by this - the gas station owners are part of that equation as well. I've seen several stories of their struggle to pay the bills. Its hard to imagine how people are gonna sustain themselves on $5-$7/hour jobs. The great irony in all of this is the Iraq war was initiated to drive oil back down to $20 a barrel - further proving that history is never like the intentions that strive to forge it

highlowbetween said...

I'll say this the WORST Presidents seem to come TX. LBJ,HW, and GW

fisher6000 said...

As a westerner, I have to jump in here and say that Ann Richards is a badass, and if she became president she would wipe the floor with her Texan colleagues.

Oh, and the GB's are not texans. That's all affect.

highlowbetween said...

I know I know - their CT carpetbaggers, etc. but they did come through the TX political machine! ;)

TX is a great example though of how a Blue State can be engineered into a Red state within a decade or so...